"make all keywords persistent" option
I need to change ALL my Bridge keywords to "Peristent." I'm sure I'm not the only person who has needed to do this. (For example, if, for whatever reason, someone loses all their keywords & needs to reconstruct their keywords via "Build and export cache", there needs to be a way to convert all these temporary keywords to persistent all at once. [I have never figured out the logic of having non-persistent keywords in the first place!!]) I have searched and searched online and cannot figure out how to do this. I need some kind of script that can automatically do this for me. Can you help me find such a script? If not, can you point me towards a developer who might write such a script? Thanks!

Arte dos Brasões commented
If there's one thing that Adobe fails miserably, it's the issue of keywords. I've lost count of how many times I had to click "make persistent" on more than 500 items. It's an absurd. Why don't you at least add the "make all" option?
Roger Yerdon commented
Important to me as well as an easy means to document the keywords of photos contained in a particular folder. The work-around is slow - laboriously making each kw persistent one at a time.