Smarter and more customisable thumbnail details, for a smoother workflow
The layout and format of the details that appear under the thumbnails could do with some improvement, to reduce interface friction and increase workflow.
Please see the attached screenshot (also at ). On the left is the current layout. It's dense and unnecessarily hard for the eye to parse quickly. On the rightis a mockup of how that same data could be laid out and formatted.
Below is a list of my proposed changes. Many of these could/should be optional (set in the preferences) so each user can adjust her UI as she needs. And of course there would be other ways you could improve it too.
-Date format is friendlier (11 Jan vs 11/01/2019) and more contextually meaningful (yesterday vs 22/01/2019)
-Time is differentiated from date by color (quicker for the eye to discern) instead of comma (which currently does little beyond adding a little more clutter)
-ppi density information is gone (those who want it could of course enable it in the options, but for the rest of us, it's just irrelevant clutter)
-MB numbers are rounded, so 89.38 MB becomes 89 MB (not 90MB like in the mockup - my mistake). This reduces clutter. This should be user configurable, and I suggest giving the user 3 options:
#1 never round
#2 always round
#3 round KB & MB (this would leave bytes, GB, and TB unrounded)
-Font smaller. It's still not as small as the default Photoshop UI font, but it's smaller than the current Bridge font. This would help to reduce clutter, and fit more data (eg. filename, keywords) in.