Tags: synergy between mac and adobe
I want the keywords I use in adobe bridge to look like tags in Finder - Mac Os 10.14
I work with photo archiving and I use Adobe bridge. I send this images to an asset management software. But if I want to find the photos using the Mac, I can't see the metadata I use. They dont appear in the Finder. I'd like see my keywords appear in Finder as Tags. Why not?
Kukurykus commented
SM commented
Apple Finder Tags should not be confused with cross-platform/application Keyword/Subject (IPTC/Dublin Core) metadata which is more commonly found in photographic workflows. Although Tags can be used for similar purposes as Keywords, they are actually different types of metadata and are not interchangeable. Therefore it is not possible to view or use Mac OS Finder Tags in say Adobe Bridge or other software that makes use of common cross-platform/application metadata.
So, what is a user to do if they have invested time and effort into using Mac OS Finder Tags and would then like to leverage this work in other software?
Using the free cross-platform ExifTool command line interface program from Phil Harvey, it is possible to copy Mac OS Finder Tags into standard cross-platform/application Keyword/Subject metadata that is accessible from apps such as Adobe Bridge.