Arne Henriksen
My feedback
6 results found
26 votes
This capability is now available in latest Bridge beta build 14.1.0, please install the build and try the feature.
Bridge Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Arne Henriksen shared this idea · -
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Arne Henriksen commentedI suggested the same together with using the much better keyword panel as a filter:
Arne Henriksen supported this idea · -
23 votes
This capability is now available in latest Bridge beta build 14.1.0, please install the build and try the feature.
Bridge Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Arne Henriksen commentedI made a suggestion to use the keyword panel as a filter with AND as default. Please vote for it:
Arne Henriksen supported this idea · -
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Arne Henriksen commentedI made a suggestion to simply use the keyword panel as a filter. Minimal programming should be required. Please vote for it:
Arne Henriksen supported this idea · -
4 votesArne Henriksen supported this idea ·
26 votesArne Henriksen supported this idea ·
I find it hard to understand why developers haven't done more to improve keyword filtering when simple changes could've done so much. The keyword panel is good, with export and import. Why not do the same for filtering? The alphabetical list with only an OR/ANY operator is nearly useless.
The find-function (ctrl+F) is an alternative, but it's too cumbersome and time-consuming. If you want to select several keywords you have to search through the list of criteria for every keyword. Why not keep the last used criteria (like keyword) as the pre-selected option when starting a new one? And closest matches could appear when typing in a keyword. Not that such improvements would remove the need for a keyword filter panel.
Smart collections could be useful but they're not organizable. Quickly end up with a long alphabetical list like the keywords. Folders (and subfolders) would make them much more useful. And they have the same problems as the find function.