When renaming in folders tab, scrolling causes the name to revert back to old name.
when you are renaming files in the folder pannel, scrolling while it is still selected dismisses the change.
Really frustrating because i can't work out how to put suffixes on batch renders the way i need them so have to rename 100 folders individually, which is taking long enough without that bug

Kukurykus commented
There is also other irritiating problem about renaming folders hovewer in 'Content' panel, that hasn't occurend yet long time ago in Bridge for Creative Suite 2.
While renaming folder names when pressing tabulator (to activate selection of name for renaming on another folder in row), the name you changed in name of previous folder disappears. When then you change name of another folder it's going to be changed but previous folder goes back to original name.
This doesn't affect files, only folders and I think I know what caused this bug.
In CS2 the folders were after the files. With next version they were moved to beggining.
Whatever makes it's not possible anymore fastly to renames folders without confirming the change by pressing Enter and then activating another one to do the same, please fix it.
Correctly it should work same like with files (or folders from CS2 times), so if you press the tabulator while renaming the previous folder, the new name for that folder should be accepted.