Writing metadata to files on a Windows share (XMP interface or star ratings/labels) freezes Bridge on Mac OS
Setup: Windows Server 2012r2 shares, using Bridge with MacOS Mojave (latest versions of each).
Writing any type of metadata to some file types on our Windows Server 2012r2 shares causes Bridge to freeze. Unfortunately .indd files are one example and the labelling of them is central to our workflow. It starts responding again eventually but each write takes around a minute (and this is over a fast network - mixed 10gbe/1gbe, reads/writes of huge video files get thrown around on here with no problem).
It also freezes InDesign (though not Photoshop, Chrome, etc.) and won't all you to browse other folders on the server from Finder (other than the current, already cached level) until the metadata write is complete.
Should be upgrading to Server 2016 soon so we'll be able to see if that helps - but this didn't happen with earlier versions of Bridge - 2017 and back...
Didn't happen until Bridge CC 2018 and High Sierra, where it would follow the same freezing behaviour but then not recover and block restarting Bridge/Finder etc. and even stop shutdowns/restarts - leaving you having to pull the power to reboot.

hemant commented
Apologies for the inconvenience you are facing.
But we are not able to replicate this issue at our end on the latest build. Please try again and update us with exact steps to reproduce issue. -
Mhast commented
Can confirm upgrading to Windows Server 2016 sorts this out. Not the easiest fix for everyone of course but does work!