Smart collections: Specify several search paths
Currently, with Smart Collections, we can use one search-path and add more criteria to narrow results down.
This isn't very helpful in our work-context. We need to track file-presence in two or more distinct locations – possibly also different drives. It's impractical and causes mostly 99% irrelevant search to specify a very broad (root) directory which hosts all file versions.
Searches can also get spoiled results which match the pattern, but are undesirable for any reason. Instead of using unique flags on files in all desired search locations (which is always prone to error) one should be able to combine the result of several instances of Search in Smart Collections.
As these "Sub-Searches" target far fewer files, such Smart Collections should execute with improved performance. GUI-Implementation: Simply let us add more than one of the GUI elements used to set the search path.
I only want to search folder1 and subfolder4.1. For whatever reason, I cannot make subfolder4.1 a child of folder1. Hence, I have to star my search in root, which might cause 99.9% wasted searches.